Thank you to all the people that attended the first Caledonia Village Training and Education Meeting held by Village Manager Jeff Thorton, along with Officer Melissa Gokey from the Kent County Sheriff Department, and Brad Hoger from US Golf Cars. The group was presented with a hand out provided by the Village outlining use of these vehicles within the Village limits (only). 

Highlights of the handout include: legal operating hours and seasonal usage, must be 16 years and possess a driver’s license, allowed roads available to drivers, requirements for Village Registration and Decal, and Orange Triangle Safety additions. You can pick up a copy of both the Golf Carts in Caledonia handout as well as Vehicle Registration forms at Caledonia Village Hall or at US Golf Cars in the Sales Office. 

Registration of Golf Cars being use within the Village limits is now mandatory. The Village Staff are taking a soft approach in stopping anyone without a visible Registration Decal, and giving them information how to register, at no charge. Repeat offenders will be subject to a visit from the Sheriff Department as needed, and violators may be subject to confiscation of their vehicle as well as revoked registration. It should be made clear that there is no intent to involve the law unless there is a real problem, so please use common sense and take the few minutes to complete the steps. Also, note that the same laws apply to you on a Golf Car as do in your Automobile.

If you have any questions regarding of these topics, please feel free to contact Jeff Thorton during normal Village business hours, he is very willing to listen and help in any way he and the staff can. Another point that needs clarification is that currently, Golf Car use in not allowed in Caledonia Township, so any rules that are in place by the Village have no application to the Township. Please contact the Township Supervisor for their stance, before you consider traveling there. We thank all of the Residents that took the time to attend as well as provide real life input to a somewhat vague outline provided by the State. The overall meeting was a success and if everyone follow these simple rules, we should see more vehicle traveling around the Streets soon. Thank you!

You can find a PDF copy of the Village of Caledonia Registration Form down below. REMINDER: Registration of Golf Cars being use within the Village limits is now mandatory.